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Beyond Skills: The Secret Ingredient That Changes Everything

well-being Mar 05, 2025
helpful receptionist at hotel

You know those moments when something just clicks - like, oh wow, that's so true? Yeah, I had one of those recently. And of all places, it happened in a hotel.


I was on holiday, fully embracing the all-inclusive dream (though, let’s be real, seven days was plenty), when I noticed something: the hotel staff were absolute machines. I’m talking about the porters, housekeepers, bar staff, receptionists, and catering teams - every single one of them was running around like their lives depended on it. And they did it all with a smile.


It hit me: these people are ridiculously hardworking. They’re probably not being paid a fortune, but they show up every day with an attitude that screams, I actually care. And that, my friends, is something you can’t teach.


The Receptionist Who Made a Difference


There was one staff member who stood out to me the most - the guy at reception. I must have pestered him a dozen times to swap my notes for coins so my boys could play pool. Every single time, he was friendly, helpful, and never once made me feel like the absolute nuisance I was being. Let’s be real - he wasn’t doing it for a big pay cheque. He just had this natural way of making people feel welcome and valued. 


That kind of attitude? It’s not an act, and it’s not temporary. It’s a part of you - reflected in how you treat others, how you approach your work, and the impact you leave on everyone around you.


Fast-Forward to Me, Back Home


Now, fast forward to me back in the UK, trying to get my life together and get back into shape - easier said than done. I recently gave online coaching a shot, but honestly? It just wasn’t working for me. To be fair, I didn’t give it much of a chance because I quickly realised it wasn’t realistic for where I’m at right now.


See, I had this grand idea that I’d completely overhaul my exercise and eating habits overnight. But let’s be honest - that was never going to happen. What I actually needed was someone who could meet me where I was, not where my overly ambitious brain thought I should be. I needed accountability, in-person support, and, let’s be real, someone to show me how to use the weights and machines in the gym without looking like a lost toddler.


The Lightbulb Moment


Stay with me here because this is where it all comes full circle. Watching those hotel staff work with such dedication made me realise something: the exact quality I admired in them - their attitude and genuine care - was exactly what I needed in a personal trainer, too. 


I was looking for someone who could make me feel comfortable in a space that wasn't really my thing - someone who was truly there to help. Before leaving for my holiday, I decided to take the plunge and give personal training another shot. What gave me the confidence to try again was watching how this trainer engaged with her class, especially during the strength development sessions.


She wasn’t just going through the motions or doing it out of obligation. More importantly, she never made you feel stupid for not knowing how to do something properly, even if she had shown you before. Instead, she made you feel supported, like your progress actually mattered. It was clear that she truly cared about helping others.


Why Attitude is Everything


That experience has brought into focus something I couldn’t quite see before: while skills and knowledge are important, it’s the right attitude that truly makes all the difference.


Let’s be honest - whether it’s a personal trainer, a coach, or anyone in a service role, what we really want is someone who actually cares about helping us reach our goals and feel good about ourselves. Someone who will meet us where we are and help boost our confidence along the way.


It made me realise something bigger, too: the attitude you bring to your work, your ethics, and your genuine care for others isn’t something that can be easily taught. You can improve your skills, gain more knowledge, and get better at your job - but attitude? That’s either in you, or it’s not. And let’s be real, you can’t really teach someone to be kind or caring; it’s something that comes from within (and yes, I’m talking about adults here).


The Superpower You Can’t Fake


And here’s the thing: if you do have that quality - genuine care for others - it’s basically a superpower. It makes a big difference to someone's experience, especially if you’re in a field where you’re helping improve people’s lives.


Think about it. You know when you meet a doctor who actually listens instead of rushing you out the door? Or a barista who remembers your order and smiles while making your coffee? Those little moments stick with you. It’s not just about their technical skills (though, yes, please let the doctor be skilled). It’s about how they make you feel.


The Takeaway: Appreciate the Good Ones


Let’s be honest - life is stressful, and not everyone shows up every day with a beaming smile. But when someone does? When they go the extra mile to make others feel seen, valued, and supported? That’s worth appreciating.


Because as much as there are amazing people out there, there are plenty just going through the motions, focused on the pay cheque, not the people.


So, when you do come across someone who genuinely cares - whether it’s helping you with your fitness, your holiday experience, or even just making your morning coffee - it’s pretty refreshing. And honestly? It’s pretty amazing.


Next time someone makes that extra effort? Acknowledge it. Because the world could use a whole lot more of that kind of attitude. âś¨


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