Kale Smoothie Complete: My Unexpected Victory!
Dec 29, 2024
Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve officially peaked. I made the kale smoothie.
I know, I know - hold your applause. Actually, no, don’t. I deserve this moment.
Now, I’d leave it at that, but let’s be real - most of you have no idea what I’m talking about because you probably haven’t read my kale-related blog post. Shame on you! But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Here’s the link for you to catch up. I’ll wait. 😐
But there was one thing I actually managed to do today - attend spin class. Yep, you read that right. Spin on a Sunday morning is usually part of my routine, but I’ve missed it the past week. So, I dragged my post-holiday, half-asleep self to the gym, fully expecting to zombie my way through it. Naturally, I hid in my trusty back corner - the unofficial safe zone for people who’d rather not be noticed in their half-functional state.
And you know what? Even in my sluggish state, I actually enjoyed it. Who would've guessed? By the end, I was fully into it - definitely not what I expected on a Sunday morning! 💥
But let’s talk about the aftermath: The Lobster Effect. Every time I push myself in exercise, I turn an alarming shade of red - like, “is she okay?” red. It’s not a radiant post-workout glow; it’s a "someone get her some ice water" situation. 🦞
When I got home, Luke took one look at me and couldn't stop grinning. Rude. Hey, my capillaries just happen to be super close to the surface, alright? Don’t judge me.
The Nostalgia-Fueled Run
Today's spin class was my first workout since that epic solo run last Saturday. And by "epic," I mean I barely made it 15 minutes before seriously considering retreating back to my sofa. But then, like a gift from the universe, a song came on - not just any song, but a song I used to run to back in the day. It wasn’t even upbeat, but the lyrics hit me like an emotional freight train. 🫀 Suddenly, I was running with purpose. For the next 15 minutes, I hit “repeat” and let that song carry me through. No shame. Of course, by the next day, I had completely overplayed it. But that's a me problem. 😳
Now, I know what you’re thinking: Is this blog post long enough? Probably not. So, let me share the thrilling tale of how I procured my kale. Brace yourselves - this is edge-of-your-seat stuff.
I went to Morrisons.
I found the kale.
I put it in my trolley.
That’s it. That’s the story. 🤯
I’d include a photo of the kale, but let’s be honest: kale isn’t exactly photogenic. It’s the kind of vegetable that looks like it’s been through some things - tough, leafy things. But hey, it works wonders in smoothies, and that’s all that matters. As for my smoothie? Let’s just say it’s not exactly Pinterest-worthy. But when I finally perfect one that doesn’t look like sludge, I’ll be sure to share it here. Deal?
Closing Thoughts
So, here we are. I’ve rambled about kale, workouts, and the existential dread of post-holiday life. Is this blog post long enough now? Probably. And honestly, I don’t think I’ve uncovered any profound life lessons in all of this. I blame the post-Christmas fog.
I’ll leave you with this: Keep calm, embrace the chaos, and maybe try a kale smoothie. Or don’t. Either way, I’ll be here, living my weird, wonderful life and overthinking it all.
Until next time, friends. ✌️
Oh, and it’s Sunday... it’s definitely Sunday.