No Resolutions, Just Real Action: How to Own Your Year
Dec 29, 2024If you're here looking for advice on what New Year's resolutions to make, let me save you some time: you're not going to find them here. Why? Because, let's face it, the world is already overflowing with people telling you what you should or shouldn’t do.
“Drink more water.”
“Journal every day.”
“Meditate at sunrise while sipping organic matcha and manifesting gratitude.” 🍵✨
Blah. Blah. Blah.
It’s the same recycled advice, and it often leaves us feeling like we’re missing something - like we should be doing more, or somehow we’re not “doing it right.” But here’s the hard truth, so brace yourself: the only person who truly knows what you need is you.
Not a life coach. Not an Instagram guru. Not a TikTok wellness hack. And certainly, not some “New Year, New You” slogan.
Sure, these people can inspire and guide you, but when it comes down to it? The work is yours. It’s always been yours.
Let’s be real for a second. It’s not like you don’t know what's good for you.
We’ve all heard the basics on repeat:
- Eat better.
- Move more.
- Drink water.
- Get enough sleep.
These aren’t trade secrets - they’re common sense. So why is it so hard to put them into action?
Here’s the thing: knowing something doesn’t guarantee results. Doing it does.
You don’t need another list of “shoulds” telling you what to do. What you need is consistent action. It’s not glamorous. It’s not shiny. But it works.
So let me ask you: where is a lack of action holding you back? 🤔
Don’t overthink it. Start small. Maybe it’s finally opening that savings account. Maybe it’s saying “no” to something that drains you. Maybe it’s stepping outside for a walk when you’d rather stay on the sofa.
Small actions create momentum. And momentum? It’s the secret sauce to real, lasting change. 💪
Comfort: The Silent Dream Killer
Comfort is a sneaky little thing. It whispers, “You’ve got time. Start tomorrow. Just take it easy today.” And before you know it, weeks turn into months, and months slip into years.
But here’s the reality: your fear of discomfort might be the only thing standing between you and the progress you want.
So, ask yourself: where is comfort holding me back? 🤷♀️
Instead of trying to overhaul your entire life in one go, focus on one thing. Just one. Pick a goal that resonates deeply with you - not because someone told you to, but because you genuinely want to do it. Then, take one small, intentional step toward that goal.
Don’t expect it to be easy or comfortable - it won’t be. But let’s be honest, nothing changes if you stay in your comfort zone. Deep down, you already know this - I know you do!
Start small and stay consistent. That’s the secret. Think about the results those small, steady actions will bring and how the discomfort you need to go through will absolutely be worth it.
A Dose of Tough Love (Courtesy of Jordan Peterson)
Alright, let me drop some wisdom from Jordan Peterson here (not quoting him word for word, but you get the vibe): If you want to learn something about yourself, ask yourself, “What’s one thing I’m doing wrong that I know I’m doing wrong, and that I could fix?”
It’s a tough question, isn’t it? And the answer is probably something you don’t want to hear. But that’s the thing: the truth is rarely what we want to hear - it’s what we need to hear.
Most of us avoid asking ourselves this kind of question because it’s uncomfortable. We’re too busy scrolling through social media or chasing the next dopamine hit to really stop and look inward. But if you’re brave enough to face the truth, that’s where real transformation begins. 💥
The Takeaway: It’s All On You
No one is coming to save you. Not in January. Not in June. Not ever. If you want to feel different, look different, live different - you’re the one who has to make it happen.
As we move into this new year, step away from the noise. Reflect on what you actually need - not what someone else tells you you need. Ask yourself:
- What’s truly holding me back from living the life I want?
- What’s one small change I can make today to take a step forward?
Then, take that first step. 👣
Let’s Make This Year Count
This year is the year we stop waiting for someone else to hand us a blueprint for a more fulfilling life. This is the year we take ownership of our lives and our choices. We lean into discomfort. We pursue our goals with clarity and purpose.
Show up for yourself - because everything you need to succeed is already within you.
And remember: it’s not about perfection; it’s about consistency. You will mess up. We all do. But don’t let that stop you. The key is to get back up and keep going.
The 70-Year-Old Reality Check
Whenever you need extra motivation, picture your 70-year-old self giving you a reality check:
“Hey, stop messing around! Do you think future me wants to deal with bad knees because you couldn’t be bothered to take a walk? And maybe ease up on the midnight snacks - I’m already working with a slower metabolism here. Those little changes you keep putting off? They’re the ones that make the biggest difference. So, do it for me. Do it for us. Oh, and wear more sunscreen, okay? I’m not trying to look like a raisin.”
Let’s make this year count. Take action. Get uncomfortable. Show up for the future you.
This is your time to own it. Make it happen for YOU. 🌟