The Money and Wellness Blog 

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What If I Fail? (And Why I’m Still Going All In)

well-being Jan 08, 2025
woman bungee jumping

Let’s be real for a minute: I’m scared. 


Not “monster-under-the-bed” scared or “spider-dangling-in-your-face” scared. It’s the grown-up kind of fear. The one that whispers in your ear at 3 a.m., “What if you completely screw this up?” and “How will you possibly find the time for all this?”😰 


For me, it’s the fear of getting sucked back into the hustle. You know the one - the endless grind where days blur together and you end up wondering where you went in the process. I’ve been there before. My last job drained me so completely that I barely recognised myself. I swore I’d never go back to that.




For the past year and a half, I’ve been playing it pretty steady. Safe, even. Deep down, I know there’s so much more I’m capable of. But let’s be honest - safe feels nice. It’s cozy. 🛋️ But it’s also sneaky. Because the thing about “safe” is that it tricks you into staying exactly where you are.


And I know I don’t want to stay here.


Lifestyle Business or Legacy Business?


 Lately, I’ve been torn between two paths:


  1. Building a lifestyle business - comfortable, flexible, and relatively low-pressure.
  2. Going all-in on a legacy business - hiring a team and creating something bigger than myself.


The other week, when everything felt like too much, I was all in on Option 1. “Yep,” I told myself. “A lifestyle business is where it’s at. Less stress, fewer responsibilities, minimal complications.” 😌


But then I had one of those Get it together, Sarah moments. You know, the ones where your inner drill sergeant pipes up like, “Oh, please. You KNOW that’s not what you really want. Stop lying to yourself and start doing the hard stuff already!” 


She’s right, of course. I know what I really want: to build something that matters. Something impactful. Something that will make my future self smile and say, “You actually did it!”🎉 


Rolling Up My Sleeves 


So, here’s where I’m at: I need to shift gears. No more avoiding the uncomfortable stuff. It’s time to roll up my sleeves and start doing the things I don’t always want to do  For me, that means: 


  • Waking up earlier (ugh, why is this so hard?⏰).
  • Learning to manage people without feeling overwhelmed (seriously, why is this so terrifying?).
  • Facing the big unknowns - leadership, responsibility, and all the intimidating stuff that comes with them.


Let’s talk about managing people for a moment. It’s honestly pretty terrifying. What if I screw up? What if I fail at being the kind of boss I want to be? 😟 It’s not just about handling logistics; it’s about being responsible for someone’s livelihood, their experience at work, and even their overall morale. That’s a lot to carry. Sure, I’ve got Esme on board, and we’ve worked together before, so that feels manageable. But stepping into a role where I’m managing someone new? That’s a whole new challenge altogether.


Am I freaked out? Absolutely. But here’s the difference this time: I’m building something I believe in. I’m aligned with my values, not burning myself out for someone else’s bottom line and misguided priorities.


My Brilliant (and Pricey) Friend


Okay, I have a friend (I know, surprising, right?). She’s brilliant - I believe she has the potential to take the business to the next level (no pressure or anything!). 


Here’s the catch: she’s expensive. 


But after 41 years on this planet, I’ve learned something crucial: when my gut speaks, I listen. And my gut isn’t just whispering - it’s practically yelling, “Hire her already!” It’s scary, though. Bringing her on feels like one of those leap-of-faith moments. But here’s the thing: I trust her. I trust me. And I trust that this decision could be the one that changes everything. 


Stuck in the Traffic Jam of Progress


Right now, I’m in that frustrating middle phase. It’s like driving to your dream holiday spot but getting stuck in a never-ending traffic jam.🚗💨 I can see the vision: a thriving team, a business that makes a real difference, and a life that feels as good as it looks. But right now, I’m not there yet. I’m here. And “here” feels like slogging through mud with boots that are way too heavy.  


I can see why so many businesses throw in the towel at this point. It feels like you're putting in the work but making no real progress.


One Step at a Time


A few weeks ago, I spoke to someone who built and sold their own financial advice firm. They told me: 

“Just keep pushing. Once you break through, it’s worth it.” 🙏

I’m holding onto that advice like a lifeline. Because even though I’m scared, I know I’m doing things differently this time. No toxic grind. No burnout. Just consistent, intentional effort. 

And the truth is, perseverance works. No matter the setbacks, you just have to keep moving forward.⏩


Fear Is Growth


It’s natural to feel scared when you’re doing something you’ve never done before. Fear is proof you’re stepping outside your comfort zone.💥It shows you care about what you’re building.


So yes, I’m scared. But I’m also energised. Because I know I’m building something that truly matters - not just to me, but to the people I’ll impact and the team I’ll build.


If you're feeling the same way, here's the message: don’t let fear hold you back. Let it fuel your next move. Keep going, take that leap, and embrace the journey.


Let’s move forward - one bold, scary step at a time.👣



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