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Who Said Waking Up Early Was a Good Idea?

well-being Jan 18, 2025
Tired woman

Alright, so today I woke up at 6 a.m. - and before you early birds start slow clapping, let me clarify: this is early for me. My usual morning involves rolling out of bed somewhere between 7 and 7:30, shuffling to the kitchen for coffee, and then drinking said coffee in bed while half-heartedly checking emails (a routine I’m sure productivity experts would stage an intervention for). Look, I like my sleep, okay? So this 6 a.m. business? Let’s just say it goes against my very nature.


The First Few Hours: The Honeymoon Phase


To my surprise, the initial hours of my early wake-up weren’t as horrible as I’d expected. I got into the office early, tackled a solid chunk of work, hydrated like a health guru, and consumed a second coffee - achieving an impressive number of visits to the bathroom - all before 9 a.m. Honestly, I was pretty impressed with myself.


By the time I headed off to a client meeting, I felt like I was winning at life. The meeting was good, and as I drove home, I couldn’t help but bask in a smug glow of productivity. For a fleeting, glorious moment, I thought, “This 5 a.m. club thing? I could totally do this. I mean, it’s just one extra hour earlier, right? How hard could it be?”


Coffee, Phone Calls, and Feeling Like I’ve Got This


Back home, I poured myself yet another coffee (because why stop now?) and hopped on a call. It was someone who was working through some big life decisions, and by the end of our chat, she sounded genuinely grateful.


Now, I know this might sound like I’m blowing my own trumpet here, but stick with me. Running a business on your own can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. There are moments when you wonder if you’re actually making a difference or just working for the sake of it. So, when people genuinely express their gratitude and trust in you, it's that deep, reassuring feeling of, Okay, maybe I am on the right track. Maybe this is what I’m meant to be doing. Maybe I am making a difference.


It Was Going So Well…


I knew all this was too good to be true. I made myself some lunch. Nothing fancy - just eggs on toast - but it turns out my body interpreted this meal as permission to shut down. One minute I was sitting upright on my laptop, and the next, I was in a full-on power nap… next to the cat. 


Post-Nap Reality: Face Lines and School Runs


When I woke up, it wasn’t exactly my best look. My face was covered in sofa creases, and my head felt all fuzzy. Of course, this was the moment I had to head out for the school run. There’s nothing quite like showing up with sleep lines and a half-asleep expression to really nail that “put-together parent” image. 


Things Nobody Warned Me About


Here’s the thing no one tells you about waking up earlier: Sure, you might start the day strong, but the crash? Oh, it’s coming. It’s lurking in the shadows, ready to take you down when you least expect it. Maybe it’s just me, but no amount of caffeine seems to save me from that mid-afternoon slump.


Will I Keep It Up?


I’m not saying I’m giving up on 6 a.m. wake-ups just yet, but let’s just say my cat and I have an unspoken nap agreement now. Maybe I’ll figure it out eventually - or maybe I’ll just adjust my life to accommodate a daily post-lunch coma.


And yes, this post is my excuse for not writing a more serious money post today. My brain’s running on half-power, and I really need to be fully on point for those. I mean, just look at this - it's basically me rambling on about early mornings, naps, and caffeine. 😩


So maybe tomorrow, I’ll give myself a break and sleep in until 7 a.m. (It’s Saturday, after all - let’s be realistic here). Then, come Monday, I’ll dust myself off and give this whole 6 a.m. experiment another go. 🥱


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