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Are You Just Working for Money or Actually Living Your Life?

money mindset Mar 01, 2025
woman on laptop in nature

Let’s be honest - most people wake up every morning not because they love what they do, but because bills exist. Rent, food, car payments, and the occasional overpriced pistachio latte (🤤) it all adds up. So, they clock in, grind away, and repeat.


Day after day. Year after year.


They’re trapped - slaves to the pay cheque. Chasing financial security but never quite catching fulfilment.


I know this post might ruffle some feathers because, let’s be real - most people don’t exactly love their jobs. And I get it - you have responsibilities. You can’t just walk in tomorrow, quit on the spot, and start selling artisanal coffee out of a van. Well, technically, you could… but if business doesn’t boom, you might end up living in that van too.


But what if - just hear me out - you could pay your bills doing something you actually enjoy? Something you’re good at? Something that doesn’t make you want to throw your laptop out the window every Monday morning?


The Gen Z Perspective (a.k.a, “Work Is a Necessary Evil”)


A recent Fortune article featured a Gen Z content creator who said:


“I view work as basically a necessity to survive. Why wouldn’t we? We get paid less than previous generations proportionally, we control less wealth, and we have increasingly less to show for it.”


And in case you didn’t know (I had to Google it myself), Gen Z in 2025 are between 13 and 28 years old.


Look, I get where he's coming from. The cost of living is absurd, housing feels out of reach, and sometimes it seems like your only two career options are:


  1. Work a boring job and barely afford life.
  2. Become an influencer and hope for brand deals. đź’¸


But here’s the thing - I think a lot of people get stuck living the way they think they should rather than questioning what actually makes sense for them.


Maybe you don’t have to rent a flat right away. Maybe you can live at home a bit longer (if that’s an option) or house-share while figuring out your real talent. Maybe you should challenge everything society tells you to do. đź’ˇ


The Reality Check: Following the “Right Path”


If I had followed the so-called “right path,” I’d probably have a bigger house, a bigger wage, and a never-ending cycle of stress to go with it. Sure, I’d be more financially secure (assuming lifestyle creep didn't set in), but would I actually enjoy my life? Honestly, I can say with confidence that I wouldn’t, because it’s just not what I’m meant to do.


There were definitely times when I was younger when I questioned everything, wondering if I should’ve just taken the career path that others deemed “successful.” But now, after all the twists and turns of life, I’ve learned that so-called success is pretty meaningless if you’re not truly happy.


The Trap of Chasing Money


I see it all the time - people chasing high-paying jobs because they think money will solve all their problems. They want the house, the car, the Instagram flex.


And social media makes it worse.


Every time you scroll, you see some 23-year-old “entrepreneur” on a yacht, flashing their six-figure income and telling you that you can do it too (spoiler alert: you probably can’t). And let’s be honest here - half of what you see on social media isn’t even real.  🙄


So, what happens? You start to feel like you’re falling behind. You question your choices. You wonder if you should’ve gotten into crypto back in 2013.


But here’s the truth: real success isn’t instant. The things that matter - purpose, fulfilment, a career that doesn’t make you want to scream into the void - take time. âŹł


My Journey: From Chemistry to Finance (Yes, Really)


I was 40 when I finally launched my own wealth company. And let me tell you – I’m still figuring things out.


Am I rich? Not in the traditional sense, nope. But do I feel more successful than ever before? 100%. Because now, I’m pursuing something that genuinely aligns with who I am.


Did I see this coming when I was younger? Not in a million years.


I started my career as an analytical chemist. And guess what? I didn't really enjoy the work. It wasn’t my calling. So, I moved on. Again. And again. And again. Each experience taught me something new.


At one point, I decided to go back to university (because, why not, right?). After finishing my master’s, I landed a job at a small company earning £12,000 a year (yes, even in 2009, that was absurdly low). At 26, I still had no idea what I wanted to do, and a relationship ended. So, I decided to hit the road and go travelling. That’s when I had my "aha" moment: I’d get into finance. I started studying, became a mortgage adviser, and worked weekends at an estate agency to learn the ropes.


And that’s how I got here – not by having it all figured out, but by staying curious, never settling (which, in hindsight, must have been annoying for employers), and pivoting whenever something didn’t feel right.


Work for Purpose, Not Just a Pay Cheque


Look, I’m not saying money isn’t important. Of course, it is.


But when you only chase money, you become a slave to it. You start making decisions out of fear - fear of losing financial security, fear of falling behind, fear of not being “successful enough.”


But when you work with purpose and a focus on mastery, everything shifts.


Suddenly, the work becomes fulfilling. You start finding real meaning in what you do. You grow - not just financially, but mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.  đź’–


The most successful people in the world didn’t start out chasing cash. They chased excellence. They chased impact. And money became a byproduct of their dedication.


Redefining Success


Success isn’t just about financial wealth. It’s about freedom. âś¨


It’s about waking up excited for the day ahead. It’s about doing work that challenges you, inspires you, and allows you to contribute something meaningful to the world.


So, ask yourself: Are you working just for money? Or are you working toward something greater?


If you feel stuck, start shifting your mindset. Find what excites you. Develop skills that matter. Focus on becoming the best version of yourself - not just the richest.


Because at the end of the day, true wealth isn’t just about your bank account.


It’s about the life you build, the impact you make, and the fulfilment you feel along the way.


So, choose purpose. Choose talent.


Let money be the byproduct of doing something you're truly good at. đź’—



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