The Money and Wellness Blog 

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When You Try to Be a Fitness Queen but End Up a Fitness Wreck

well-being Jan 07, 2025
woman tired from exercise

Alright, people, let’s all take a moment to appreciate the fact that I’m managing to knock out this post despite my brain currently operating at 2% battery. Why, you ask? Because I thought it’d be a brilliant idea to do two exercise classes back-to-back. Yep, I went all-in: strength development followed by body attack - wait, no, body combat! 🥴


To all the fitness instructors out there: HOW do you do this? Are you secretly robots? Powered by coffee, sheer willpower, or maybe magic? Because right now, I’m typing this with what feels like a brain made of mashed potatoes, and my legs? Well, let’s just say they could give out at any second.


Will I feel the benefits later? Probably. Do I feel like passing out right now? Absolutely. But hey, it’s all part of the process, right? 😐


January Chaos, Exhibit A: My Life So Far This Year


So, let’s shift gears and talk about January. How’s it going for you? Because for me, 2025 has been a real vibe so far, and by vibe, I mean chaotic energy with a side of “please send help.” My highlights:


🍷 Drinking alcohol – who even invented Dry January, anyway?
🍫 Eating chocolate – and I’m not even sorry.
🚿 Discovering a water leak – which has now escalated into a delightful hole in my ceiling. 🙃


So, yeah... classic January chaos. But here’s the thing: I’ve had a bit of a revelation (okay, fine, I’ve probably known this for a while). I can’t trust myself to stay disciplined. I need help. Like, serious help. What I need is a structured plan that leaves absolutely no room for my questionable life choices. Enter Susie, the fitness coach. No pressure, Susie, but I’m relying on you to whip me into shape with an exercise and eating plan - starting... tomorrow.


The Light at the End of This January Tunnel: February Holiday! 🏖️


Here’s the good news: in a rare stroke of genius a few months ago, I booked a February family holiday. And not just any holiday - an all-inclusive. No cooking, no cleaning, and absolutely no thinking. Just lying in the sun, sipping something fruity, and pretending I don’t have a fitness class PTSD flashback every time I hear the word “lunge.”


Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Wow, must be nice.” And yes, it is. But let me clarify - this isn’t a regular thing for us. Sure, we had a quick getaway to Budapest last year. (Pro tip: if you take your kids out of school for a holiday, make sure they don’t flaunt their Budapest souvenir keyrings when they get back to school. Life lessons, right? 🗺️) But a real family holiday? The last one was pre-COVID. Pre-COVID! No wonder I look a little worn out these days. 


So yeah, I’m clinging to this upcoming February escape like my sanity depends on it - because, honestly, it does. At the rate this January is going, I’ll need a full week of sun and zero responsibilities just to recover from… well, everything.


Alright, your turn: how’s your January going? Smashing your goals, or just smashing snacks like me? (And yeah, I know you can’t comment here, but feel free to scream your updates into the void - I’ll pretend I heard them, promise!)


Stay hydrated, stay sane, and remember: one workout class at a time is a totally valid life choice.


Okay, now that my brain is a tad less mushy, I’m off to tackle work... once I’ve fully recovered from my impromptu fitness queen meltdown.




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